Welcome to the “First” ever UK Piranha Club. We are sure you will find a wealth of information and help on this site, from the different sections, including contacting our members. We hope we can help with any problems or questions you may come across. Firstly I’d like to say what a pleasure it has been setting up this club, designing the web page and getting to know the lads.
We all met on Predatoryfish.net back in around June 2002, where Waheed(LG), Carl(lophius), Daniel(Ambrose) and a few others pioneered one of the first shipments of rare piranha into the UK for a long time. They had so much success with this order, that it paved the way for the rest of us to follow their example. I will copy and paste the log of events from their first order, which was done through Predatoryfish.net, onto this site soon, as it was a great thread to follow.
Nick(NickG) proposed that we do another order from the United States, as this time more people were interested due to the fact that the first order went smoothly and we all saw that it was possible to do. At first we had to weigh up all the different options as to where we could get the fish from. There were three possible options open. We could order from where Waheed, Carl and Ambrose already had received the first shipment of fish from which had gone well, secondly to order the fish from a fish importer in Europe (the idea was to either order them and fly them over or drive to Germany and pick them up), then lastly, one day someone contacted us and told us that they could give us a good deal if we would like to try it. So this being our final and most competitive option, we took it. Now all that was left was to wait patiently.
Some days later, Nick came up with the idea of starting the first Piranha Club in the UK, which we all thought would be great. The first step in this was to set up a web site, so I went about looking for a domain name and a host. Soon after, Nick organised the domain name and web space for the club. After some ideas posted on the thread, the name of www.piranhaclub.co.uk was born and given the thumbs up from all the founder members.
We have now grown from around 7 members to over 30 in less than 10 months, and have organised several imports of amazing wild Piranha.
Any membership enquiries should be sent to [email protected] or call him on his mobile 07747 853 735.
Webmasters, piranhaclub.co.uk
Updated 05/07/03